Faculty Directory

Our Faculty has grown to over 100 exceptional researchers focused in a variety of research specialties
Structural and biochemical characterization of Coronavirus receptor interactions, antibody-mediated neutralization, and viral evolution.
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The research focus of the Sicheri lab is to understand how eukaryotic signalling proteins function by visualizing and characterizing snapshots of these proteins in action.
Mechanism of sex determination in C. elegans, epigenetic regulation of gene expression in the germ line.
male looking forward in a white shirt
The main goal of our lab is to understand how interactions among membrane proteins produce either healthy or diseased cells
Tatsuya Tsukahara Web Profile
We study adaptation in the mammalian nervous system to understand how neurons encode experience in gene and protein expression and optimize functions.
My research is focused on understanding how extracellular cues regulate cell behaviour in development and cancer.